How to create a Playfinity iOS app
The process of making an iOS app on the Playfinity Framework is quite simple.
You just download the framework, then open the project in Xcode, build it and run it.
Download the framework
The Playfinity Framework is available on GitHub. You can download it from here.
What is included?
- PlayfinityKit SDK FAT(x86 and arm) and release(arm)
- PlayfinityKit console discovering and pairing (BLE)
- Listening and reacting to console events
- Sounds
- Ball throwing sample
- Trampoline jumping sample
- Trick ball sample
- Cloud transporter
- Coded in Swift
Sample app screenshot with successfully connected SDK and Playfinity Console (real device photo)
Console modes
Playfinity Console can operate in a several different modes. For example it can act like a ball or a trampoline ankle band. While initializing Playfinity SDK we can choose what mode to use:
let config = Configuration.init(applicationKey: "SAMPLE_TEST", developerId: "SAMPLE_TEST", sensorType: SensorType.ball) PlayfinityKit.validate(configuration: config) { [weak self] (result) in guard let self = self else { return } switch result { case .success(let sdk): () case .failure(let error): () } }
For more details, see the Github page.